*Thursday, 2nd November*

*BE FRUITFUL (Succeed)*

Genesis‬ 1:28‬ NKJV‬‬
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Perhaps if I manage to open your eyes to as much meanings as I can see in this verse, I would be glad. To be fruitful goes beyond fruit of the womb, or just producing something, as we saw yesterday. It also means to be successful in life or in any endeavour whatsoever.

Something is successful when it has the intended outcome. When a meeting or event had been able to achieve the reason for which it was convened, that is success right there. Therefore, a successful person is someone who has been able to achieve the purpose of his creation. He is someone who has known why God brought him to this world and has been able to fulfill it. It is not everyone that appears successful that is really successful. I say so because a fish that is successfully flying is not a success, a bird that is successfully swimming is not really successful. You cannot be making waves in another man’s filed and claim to be successful.

We were all created for various purposes and with different assignments. Your success will begin the day you discover and know the reason for your creation and begin to fulfill it. Then you can say you are success. When God said be fruitful, He meant be successful, and that success is in relations to your peculiar creation or wiring. When He said “be fruitful or successful”, He wasn’t expecting the elephant to succeed along the lines of the lion, neither was He expecting the eagle to succeed like the whale. They all must succeed, but in line with their individual assignment and wiring.

Know who you are, know why you were created, and succeed along those lines in Jesus Names.

*Action Points*
i. Ask God to reveal His assignment and purpose to you.
ii. Take a look at all your natural giftings and see if you can discern God’s intentions for your life from there.

-Lord please give me focus. Empower me with the grace to focus on my own area of assignment in Jesus Name.
-I receive the grace for outstanding success in Jesus Name.

Your success will begin the day you discover and know the reason for your creation and begin to fulfill it.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Job 38, Acts 9

Deuteronomy 19