MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Thursday, 8th February



3 John 1:2 KJV‬‬

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

It is a known fact by now that the state of your soul or spirit is what determines the state of your health and finances. You will only prosper in direct proportion to the prosperity of your soul and spirit. Putting it in a very precise manner, your health and wealth are direct consequences of your spiritual health and prosperity.

There is a way to know that you are not doing so well financially. This knowledge is critical to your daily operations. It will help you avoid pit falls and also aid you with the development of a financial kick-back plan. It starts by acknowledging that you are financially sick, and that you are willing to recover.

The following are symptoms of financial sickness

i. To be underpaid is a financial sickness: You may want to find a way to augment your finances by a side business or an alternative job.

ii. To sweat more than you eat: This can mean “working like an elephant and eating like an ant”.

iii. Consistent dryness of hand and account: This refers to occasions where money never enters your hand or simply doesn’t last in your hands; either due to carelessness, impulsive spending, or living above your means.

iv. Inability to give to God or God’s work: When you are not responsive to giving to God, it shows you have a sickness in your soul which will lead you to poverty. This has to be seriously resisted because we prosper in the kingdom by giving, so every believer must strive to be a giver.

v. Your inability to do good to others is a strong indication that you are either not financially buoyant or you are spiritually sick; in that your heart is hardened to the plight of others.

vi. Inability to provide for your family: This is usually caused by lack of planning or financial recklessness. The smallest income can be used wisely with the principle of contentment and living within your means (cutting your coat according to your cloth).

vii. Inability to finance your needs or vision.

viii. Inability to produce: Absence in the market place; this means nothing to sell or nothing to give in exchange for money.

If you have up to four or more of these symptoms, then you are dealing with a case of severe/chronic financial sickness. Watch out for the rest of the month’s teachings on how to be financially healed.

Grace to walk in financial health is your portion in Jesus Name.


Action Points

i. Review all the symptoms and identify yours in all sincerity.

ii. Ask God for help and wisdom on how to overcome any financial sickness.

iii. Develop a healing plan by taking some critical financial decisions.


-Lord it is obvious that I lack sufficient wisdom for my financial life. I hereby apply for wisdom today in Jesus Name.

-Open my eyes on what to do in Jesus Name.



When you are not responsive to giving to God, it shows you have a sickness in your soul which will lead you to poverty.


For Further Reading and Meditation


Psalm 86, IIThessalonians 2


1Samuel 26

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