MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Monday, 12th February



Proverbs 10:4 KJV
“He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.”

Nobody is born poor. We may have been born naked but not poor. We were all born with the same amount of time in a day, and it is 24 hours. It is what you do with your 24 hours of each day that determines what you become in life afterwards.

So, people are not born poor, but they become poor. Hence the saying in the text; “he becometh poor”. The reason people become poor is the evil of laziness and unseriousness. You cannot be doing things with slack or unserious attitude and then expect to be rich or become rich. Everyone I know who ever became rich showed serious attitude towards their work; and they would not allow anyone mess things up for them. Even if you are the owner of a business, if you fail to show great seriousness in your work, you will become poor overtime or overnight.

This applies in an employment situation as well. No boss or management will pay you well when they see you are lazy. They will consider you either a liability or an asset. And in no time, if your case is the former, you will be fired. This however could plunge you into poverty, as you may not have any good recommendations for your next job.

Receive grace to be diligent in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Note down five areas of your life where you think you are most negligent.
ii. Raise up prayer altars about this.
iii. Resolve to be diligent and excellent about your work from today.

-Lord I repent of all forms of laziness and negligence in Jesus Name.
-Lord I pledge to be the best staff at work in Jesus Name.
-Lord I thank you for a new grace for diligence in Jesus Name.

You cannot be doing things with slack or unserious attitude and then expect to be rich or become rich.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 90, ITimothy 1

1Samuel 30

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