MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Wednesday, 14th February

(Marriage 101)


Ecclesiastes 4:9 KJV‬‬
“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.”

In this month we have dedicated our discussions to talk about money and finances and marriage shall by no means be an exemption. I am of the strong opinion that much of our poverty begins with the inability to harness our individual capabilities, talents and professionalism to form a synergy from the home front. It is often so amazing to see gifted couples still wallow in poverty or live below prosperity line.

The secret to real financial success is in doing business together. This is one of the safest and most fulfilling ways to make money in your home. It is called family business. Here are some of the benefits of this kind of business:

i. It Adds Extra Income To The Family:
Even when both couples have other jobs, please know that you can never have enough money. Money is always referred to as “scarce resources”. Extra money means extra purchasing power, it means extra blessing for your family and the work of God.

ii. It presents God with something to Bless:
God wants to bless the work of your hands. God wants to pour out a blessing that will stay in your house. Not the one that goes to your boss or company. Psalms 1:3 says “whatsoever he doeth shall prosper”, not whatsoever he doeth for someone else”

iii. It serve as a bonding or binding factor for the couple:
Marriage is supposed to present you with a good reward for your labour, according to our text. This means that there ought to be some kind of Labour together. Planning, thinking and praying for the business will pull the couple together in closer and more intimate relationship. This is because you will get to meet more often than you would have without the business together.

iv. It gives you something to retire to:
You will not be stranded upon retirement. You will not be strange and new to the business terrain, because you would have matured over the years of part-time involvement. And besides your retirement benefits will have a direction, as it will be used to boost the business.

Receive grace to work together in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Have a discussion with your spouse over this idea today without fail.
ii. Think up ten business ideas that you and your spouse will deliberate upon.
iii. Pray about it together and set out a plan with a time line.

-Lord please activate my mind to know a preferable business opportunity to take advantage of with my family.
-Lord engrace us to build a business and businesses that many generations after us will inherit in Jesus Name.

As a couple, the secret to real financial success is in doing business together.

For Further Reading and Meditation

Psalm 92, ITimothy 3


2Samuel 1

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