Thursday, 15th February

3John 1:2
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”‭‭

There are some financial conditions that are not products of laziness or lack of jobs. There are many people who make all the money but cannot see the money at the end of the day. There are those who work so hard and yet cannot seem to make a living despite their hard-work mentality. There are very many intelligent and well educated people who seem to be the poorest in society. These kinds of people have what I call a financial curse or sickness.

They have to handle things from the realm of the spirit. There has to be healing without which money will seem to be running from them, doors will be closing against them, and they will hardly see progress in what they do.

-The first is to get right with God. Give your heart to God, and make Him the Lord of your life. By that i mean that you should make Him the driver of your life. Be prepared to do what He says no matter the cost.

-Next is to bring God into your finances. Make Him a senior partner. Honour Him with your tithes and first fruit. Proverbs 3:9-10. Wherever God enters, healing enters too. When God is involved in your life, red seas will part ways. When God comes into the picture a widow who was about to eat her last meal with her son and die will survive for over a year miraculously.

-The widow of Zeraphat committed to feeding the man of God in the time of famine and that was how the curse of financial lack was broken.
-Another way you can bring healing to your finances is to commit to be a part of something in church or the kingdom of God. Pledge within yourself to contribute to evangelism, welfare, or to be a part of some form of maintenance or the other, etc.

-Lastly, constantly declare your freedom from financial curses in Jesus Name. Study the book of Galatians 3:13-29; then make very bold declarations based on your understanding of that scripture. Such as “Christ has redeemed me from all forms of curses, and He became poor so I could be rich. Therefore I am not poor and I am not cursed. I am ‘uncurseable’ and can never be poor in Jesus Name.

Action Points/Prayer
-Carefully study today’s devotional and make a decision on all the steps noted.
– Begin to make positive declarations about your finances.

Another way you can bring healing to your finances is to commit to be a part of something in church or the kingdom of God.