MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Wednesday, 21st February



(1 Timothy 6:17 KJV)
“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;”

I am reminded of the popular TV show called “who wants to be a millionaire”? Indeed, heaven is making a similar call right now; “who wants to be rich, who wants the blessing of riches, etc? I don’t think your desires alone are enough to make God bless you with riches. Whenever God sees things in place for a blessing, He doesn’t hesitate to release it. Below are some of the conditions that would qualify you in the sight of God for riches:

i. Refuse to be high minded.
Imbibe the attitude of humility today and vow to remain humble when finances increase. When God sees that all traces of high mindedness are gone, He will bless you with riches.

ii. Kill all forms of trust in money.
Let God be your main stay, always know that money or riches are uncertain, and God is the only certainty. It is a tragedy to have more confidence in money than in God. If God sees that you will idolize money in the future, He will make sure you are not rich. So, while you are at this level, develop deep faith, trust and reverence for God.

iii. Understand That it’s God Who Gives Wealth And Not Your Hard Work.
All good and perfect gift comes from God and not your hard work. So, you don’t wake up tomorrow to say “i am a self made man”. Everything you have was received, and if you received it, then you can receive more. And if you know that you received it, you will remain humble because you know that it can be taken from you.

Operate this mentality and you will be rich.

Action Points/Prayer
-Lord, help me to remain humble at every point in my life, regardless of how rich I become – like King David said; “in my prosperity, I shall never be moved” (Psalm 30:6)
-Father, please teach me to trust in you always and not in any riches.
-I acknowledge you as the source of my wealth and not my hard work or intelligence.

If God sees that you will idolize money in the future, He will make sure you are not rich.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 96, 2Timothy 1

2Samuel 5

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