MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Thursday, 29th February

(Marriage 101)

(Genesis 2:18 NIV)
“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

As we round off the month today, I would love to drop one or two advice for husbands here, and it is about your wives making money. There are many reasons behind why many men forbid their wives from working. And here are a few:

i. She will become proud when she starts seeing money.
If that is your fear, why not discuss it with her so she could be aware of that concern in your mind. That will help her put things in check when she starts the work or business.

ii. She will be chased by other men,
The fear of adultery has made many men to cripple their wife’s potentials. The real issue is not her but trust issues that you may have from way back. And you will need to ask the Lord to help you with it as you pray. Hopefully I will come up with more reasons by next month or this time next year.

But here are some reasons why you should encourage your wife to work:

i. She will be fulfilled.
There is nothing as powerful as having a fulfilled wife at home with you.

ii. She will release her potentials.
God has put potentials in everyone. As such, you should observe your wife and assist her in the release of these potentials.

iii. She will be able to meet some needs without necessarily asking you for everything.

iv. You will enjoy surprise gifts, and other blessings.

v. She could make you proud one day by running the biggest business in her line, like some others have done. The CEO of “Tantalizers” is a typical example; google her story and read it.

Action Points/Prayer
i. Have a frank and honest discussion with your spouse on these points.
ii. Pray and ask God for the right wisdom to apply on this matter.

God has put potentials in everyone. As such, you should observe your wife and assist her in the release of these potentials.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 104, 1Thessalonians 5

2Samuel 13

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