Tuesday, 5th March


(Jeremiah 8:21 KJV)
“For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me”.

One of the reasons we should be able to receive our healing from God quite easily is because He feels what we feel; He is touched by what touches us, and our pain is automatically His pain. The scripture clearly confirms that in the New Testament;

In Hebrews 4:15 KJV “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin”.

There is nothing we go through that does not affect our Lord, including our temptations.

This suggests that God is more than willing to heal us, He is very ready to bring us help as quickly as we desire it. When we carry this kind of mentality, we will approach Him with thanksgiving rather than murmuring. I have searched the Bible and I cannot find one person that has gained anything from murmuring. The children of Israel murmured in the wilderness and did not only die, but were delayed from their promised land for fourty years. They wandered in the wilderness till a whole generation died, due to murmuring. How you approach God matters, if you must get results of any kind. Job started well in the initial part of his temptations, and then he slipped into complaining about God, and it only prolonged his suffering.

This is how not to approach your father in heaven; don’t go asking Him “Lord are you still in heaven”? Or “are you still alive”? Don’t go asking “where were you when the devil was doing this to me”? Don’t even say things like “why is this happening to me, why is my case like this, what have I done to deserve all these, etc”. But this is how to approach God for results. Come to Him knowing that He knows already, and that He has a plan. Come to Him as a king in worship and not in murmuring, just the way the leper did in Matthew 8:2. He came worshipping Jesus, despite his leprousy, and Jesus healed him on the spot.

Receive all the grace you need to get your healing from God in Jesus Name.

Action Points/Prayer
-Lord I repent for the ring attitude I have exhibited towards you. Please forgive me in Jesus Name.
-Lord I receive grace and wisdom to approach you in humility, and in worship; knowing that you are not only aware of my situation, but that you are touched by it as well.
-I thank you for my healing and deliverance in Jesus Name.

How you approach God matters, if you must get results of any kind.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 109 1Timothy 1

2Samuel 18

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