Monday, 11th March


(Matthew 8:2-3 KJV)
“And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed”.

If you must receive healing from the Lord, then you must have a solid and biblical manner of approach. In Psalm 100:4 we were counseled to enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. That is a picture of one of the most important ways to approach the Lord, regardless of your condition, even if you were dying. Worship is that one sure way.

John the Baptist once sought for the attention of Jesus in one of the most angry ways possible. He sent his disciples to as Jesus this question; “are you the one that is to come or do we expect another”? Now, that was a statement of doubt, unbelief, and He was about to cause the world to lose faith in Jesus. He was the same person who told the world that there was one mightier than him, whose shoe latchet he was not worthy to lose. It was really amazing that he had flipped because there was an issue in his life. You would have noticed that Jesus did nothing about his matter, and he was later killed. The problem here was his approach.

But this leper man, came worshipping Jesus. He came worshipping because he believed in the power of Jesus; hence he said “if you are willing you can make me whole. In other words he said “I do not doubt your power, I only doubt your willingness”. This was because a leper was not to be touched by anyone, or you would be unclean. So, he knew that the law was against Jesus’s willingness, but he never doubted the power of Jesus. But Jesus had to break the law as it were by touching the leper whom the law says no one should touch. He touched the man, and declared, “I will, be thou clean”. You know why? It was because the leper came worshipping in reverence and declaring trust in the power of God. Begin a life of worship from today, approach Him worshipfully from now on and see how speedily your answers will come. Receive the grace to live a life of worship in Jesus Name.

Action Points/Prayer
-Lord please help me never to take you for granted ever again in my life in Jesus Name.

Begin a life of worship from today and approach God ‘worshipfully’ from now on and see how speedily your answers will come.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 115 2Timothy 1

2Samuel 24

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