Sunday, 17th March


(Acts 14:7-10 KJV)
“And there they preached the gospel. And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother’s womb, who never had walked: The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked”.

It is a terrible thing to have a problem and not know what to do. It is seriously sad to be down and not know how to bounce back to life. There are so many people that are sick, in pain, in captivity and in all kinds of oppressive deprivation, yet have no idea on what to do and how to come out of them.

The crippled man in our text had been this way from birth, and must have wondered why everyone else could walk freely except himself. He remained that way for all of his life until he encountered the word of God as spoken by the apostle Paul. The word of God began to do something on his inner man, and his mentality began to change. The impact was so much that Paul could perceive the faith that was rising in the man. And Paul could see that the man had the faith to be healed, it was then that he commanded the man to stand up on his feet.

This man received his healing by faith. But that faith had to be generated by the hearing of God’s word long enough for the healing to be received. When you notice a challenge in your life, or when you see that your life is going down, then you need to generate your faith to the point where you receive your healing. If you really need a healing, take the time to separate yourself for a few days or weeks and give yourself to hearing the word of God till the sickness or situation is no longer a concern. That sickness is waiting for your faith to rise to the level where doubts disappear completely, and then you will be healed in Jesus Name. Receive your healing in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Take time out with the word of God to deal with any kind of sickness or malady in your life today.
ii. Select as many healing scriptures as you can and confess/declare them everyday over your life.
iii. Expose your spirit to the word of God by listening to as many messages as possible each day till your faith gauges.

-Lord please grant me the capacity to read and listen to your word till my faith gauges in Jesus Name.
-Lord I thank you for my healing in advance in Jesus Name.

If you really need a healing, take the time to separate yourself, and give yourself to hearing the word of God till the sickness or situation is no longer a concern.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 120 Titus 2

1Kings 5

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