Tuesday, 19th March


(Mark 11:22-24 KJV)
“And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them”.

Once again we deal with a God who can’t be impressed outside of faith. The word says without faith it is impossible to please Him. Faith is the only currency that is acceptable in the realm of the spirit. In the course of His work and journey Jesus met with people of great faith; like the centurion and the Gentile woman whose daughter was dying. He also met with people who had no faith at all; remember that He once rebuked His disciples when He asked “how come you have no faith”. He also saw people with little faith. But very importantly He also rebuked His disciples for not using or releasing their faith. Remember how He asked them “where is your faith”? (Luke 8:25).

In this case it was not a question of no faith nor small faith. It was a problem of unutilized or unused faith, and this is the case with many believers. It is a case where we die in pain, sickness and afflictions with our faith in our pockets – unreleased. An unreleased faith is useless, an unused faith will produce nothing for you. If the disciples had released their faith at the instance of the storm the way Jesus did, there would have been no need to wake Him out of sleep. There is one powerful way to release your faith for results and it is by speaking, declaring, confessing or professing.

Our text says “have faith in God, and if you shall say to this mountain…”. The result is in the saying, and to say nothing is to see nothing. Hear what the scriptures have to say about it; “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak”. (2 Corinthians 4:13 KJV).

We all end up speaking or vocalizing what we believe. When the chips are down, and when the rubber meets the road we will all utter and verbalize our beliefs. What comes out of your mouth in moments of trouble and crisis is what you most certainly believe. When God breathe the breath of life into man, he became a speaking spirit (living soul). The only creature that God made that could speak.

Meanwhile, God solves all His problems by speaking, as we see in the first chapter Genesis. We are meant to solve challenges by speaking as well. When you speak, things die or live, depending on what comes out of your mouth. A closed mouth is a closed life. To not release faith could mean the end of your life. Receive grace to release faith in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Write down those stubborn ailments and situations in your life, and begin to release your faith against them by speaking to their end and expiration.
ii. Select some very lethal scriptures against anything negative in your life, and speak them many times daily till they expire.
iii. Lift up your hands and thank God for your already established victory in Jesus Name.

-Lord I receive grace and audacity to release my faith in every situation in Jesus Name.
-Lord cause me to be so drunk on the word and faith such that only faith will proceed out of me when I am challenged in Jesus Name.

There is one powerful way to release your faith for results and it is by speaking, declaring, confessing or professing.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 122 Philemon 1

1Kings 7

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