Thursday, 21st March


(Song of Songs 1:3 KJV)
“Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee”.

We do remember what we discussed earlier in the month, we said that the healing balm of God is multifaceted. It is one balm but has multidimensional angles and applications. One of such applications is in the Name of the Lord. Please note that by the time of this text, the Name Jesus was not yet revealed. But the Name of the Lord was perfectly functional by then, they knew the Lord by certain revelations and manifestations. That is why they said “the Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and are safe”.

So, God revealed Himself and His Name gradually. He revealed Himself to Abraham as “Jehovah Jireh”, meaning supplier or provider; Genesis 22:14. Then He revealed Himself to Moses as Jehovah in Exodus 6:1-2. So, for every situation, God has a dimension of His Name and Himself to reveal. And now, after thousands of years, Solomon began to catch a revelation of the Name of the Lord into which all other names of His would empty into – and that Name is Jesus. All the revelation of His Name that both Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Elijah, Enoch, etc. All saw, caught, encountered, are now found in this one Name, Jesus.

The mention of the Name of Jesus releases healing balm of a peculiar kind, and here are the peculiarities:

-It is multifaceted in dimensions. It is one Name and everything gets fixed. You don’t need to explain what you want the name to do, no. It just fixes whatever needs to be fixed. It is beautiful for any kind of situation.

-It changes the atmosphere. It may interest you to know that there are certain miracles and interventions that are not possible except the atmosphere changes. His Name mentioned is like ointment (or perfume) poured out. It is a soothing atmospheric release that brings healing to anyone within it’s vicinity. Receive grace to both respect, honour and reverence that Name of Jesus from now on in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Determine never to commonise or use the Name of Jesus recklessly from today.
ii. Thank God for the power in His Name.

-Lord I thank you for the power and the fragrance in your Name.
-I take advantage of your Name for every situation of my life from today in Jesus Name.

The name of Jesus is a soothing atmospheric release that brings healing to anyone within it’s vicinity – it’s like ointment poured out.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 124 Hebrews 2

1Kings 9

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