Friday, 22nd March


(Hebrews 4:12 KJV)
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.

There are reasons why the word of the God is the most powerful and most effective healing balm there can ever be. It is because it stands are the most effective all-purpose drug of all time. The word of God has capacities, capabilities and unlimited reach. Let’s look at the capability of the word of God:

-It is quick, or life-giving. The word “quick” here means quickening or reviving. It has the ability to infuse and inject life where needed. It is not possible to introduce the word of God in a death situation and not see life come out of it.

-It is powerful. It is full of power and ability to perform. Remove power from the word of God and it is no more God’s word.

-The word of God is sharp. It is not just sharp but sharper than any two edged sword. Whereas they cut by many blows, the word of God cuts by a single blow. It doesn’t have to strike twice.

The word of God can pierce to unimaginable areas and aspects of your life. To pierce is to be able to perpetrate, this is what I call reach. Here are the following ways the word of God will penetrate your life, as well as aspects of you that it will reach and heal.

-It will reach your soul and spirit. For you to be saved, the word of God must divide your spirit from your soul, thus exposing your spirit to God. That enables your spirit to connect back to God in repentance, salvation and revival. That’s how people get saved.

-The word of God will reach your bones and joints. The word of God has the capacity to surgically reach your bones for the purpose of correcting whatever challenges there may be in your body. Trust God to heal your bones and joints with His word, and you will be glad you did.

-The word of God will reach and heal your marrows. Your marrow is the innermost part of your human anatomy. It is hidden deep within your bones, and they do get sick. Bone marrows are responsible for blood generation and more, and when they do break down, they could become fatal. We known that people who suffer from sickle cell anaemia do suffer from a bone marrow deformation or malfunction. But I am glad to inform you today that the word of God can correct it.

The word of God is light, and we see that laser light surgery is in practice today. The light will penetrate your system and then be used to carry out the surgery. The same is true of the word of God as well. You’ve got to reach out your faith and believe that the word of God can reach that deep into your life to make you whole. Read the word, prophesy the word, pray the word of God and declare it over all your afflictions, sicknesses, pains and diseases, and see the healing power of God. Grace to enjoy the healing reach of the word of God in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Thank God for the healing reach of His word.
ii. Begin to live in fresh confidence of the capacity of God’s word.
iii. Use the word of God to heal any aspect of your life today.

-Lord I thank you for your word and it’s healing reach.
-I receive my healing via the word in Jesus Name.

Read, prophesy, pray the word of God and declare it over all your afflictions, sicknesses, pains and diseases, and see the healing power of God at work.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 125 Hebrews 3

1Kings 10

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