Thursday, 28th March


(Matthew 13:15 KJV)
“For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them”.

There are healings that come really easy, and we see such kinds of healings every now and then. These are the kinds where the recipients do absolutely nothing to receive them. They didn’t build faith, they know next to nothing about the word of God, and in many cases, they are not even saved nor ever been to church. God heals them by His sovereign power and determination. These are the acts of God’s mercy displayed in an extraordinary fashion. But this is not always the case, because there are people we have seen who seem to have waited for the healing power of God for years unend with nothing to show for it.

In cases like these you will have to seek and search for God’s pattern ways of getting people healed. The word says “His ways are not our ways”. Within the scriptures are laid down procedures on how to get God to heal and deliver people, and our text highlights them very brilliantly.

-The most important thing to God in the matter of healing for you is your heart. What God cannot do in your heart, He May never be able to do in your body or your life. Notice that healing takes place when there has been conversion. The word convert means to change, to turn or to revert, and all these take place in the heart and no where else. When the picture in your heart changes; when the image you see shifts, when your heart has become so charged to the point where what is written becomes your standard perspective; then conversion has taken place, and anything can take place in your life; healing inclusive.

However, there is a process by which this will take place, and these steps or processes are very crucial.

– The first step in the process is Hearing. We receive from God by faith and faith comes by hearing the word of God; Romans 10:17. Anytime you want to change your situation under God, you must first expose yourself to hearing God’s word along those lines. Hearing is the commencement of your conversion healing.

– The next is see with your eyes. You would have noticed that God would say “behold” when He speaks. He wants you to see what He says and not just hear it. He wants you to form a picture of words, because in the kingdom, you can only have what you see. Remember He said to Abraham “all the land which you eyes can see have I given to you”. God cannot give you what you do not see.

– The last part is to understand. The point of understanding is the point of revelation. Revelation is actually an unusual understanding. It is at this point that doubt dies and faith is established. This is the point where conversion happens. Healing becomes inevitable at this point. It is the point of unshakableness and absolute conviction. Receive grace to receive all the healing you require and need from God in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Endeavour to read through today’s word again, and make personal notes of your understanding.
ii. Take out any aspect of your life for which you need healing and intervention, and apply these principles for your deliverance and healing.
iii. Apply every single step with plenty of thanksgiving and worship to God.

-Lord I bless you for this understanding and revelation in Jesus Name.
-Lord I receive the wisdom and patience to follow through with this process till I receive my healings and deliverances in Jesus Name.

In the kingdom, you can only have what you see, because God cannot give you what you do not see – “As far as your eyes can see”

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 129 Hebrews 7

1Kings 14

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