Friday, 29th March

(Happy Easter)

(John 19:30 KJV)
“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost”.

It is important that we really understand the mission of Jesus. When Jesus left heaven to the earth His mission was very clear, and I will enumerate a few of them. In Hebrews 10:7, He said “lo I come and in the volume of the book it is written of me to do your will o Lord”. So, He came to do God’s will for man on earth. In 1John 3:8 the word says “for this purpose was the son of God manifested, that He may destroy the works of the devil”. Also, in Acts 4:12 it is recorded that “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved”. The records of what Jesus came to do are numerous and everywhere in the scriptures.

Jesus landed this planet as a little baby, not to repeat the mistake of the first Adam who arrived here as a full-grown man who never had to go through any growth process whatsoever. Jesus went through all that man went through and would ever go through, from childhood to adulthood. All so that we can make reference to every and any stage of His life and draw hope, wisdom and strength for moving forward. He lived here on earth as a perfect example and asked us to walk as He did. He didn’t force laws and instructions down our throats, rather He lived the life for us to see. He did it before He taught it. Acts 1:1 speaks of the “things that Jesus both began to do and teach”. He didn’t just say it, He exemplified it. He corrected all the errors of the first Adam, by confronting the devil in a similar temptation that the first Adam had to go through, and was victorious. Then He moved to the next level of things.

Man had sinned in Adam, man broke the hedge and made a way for satan to gain free access to afflict mankind at will. Adam made a transaction in Eden with the devil and sold man’s glory and dominion away, and from that moment satan became the prince of this world. And the only way that would be corrected was death, that is why the bible says that the wages of sin is death. Jesus then became sin, He took the judgment of man, He became that lamb that would take away the sins of the world, He took the judgment of man and satisfied the wrath of God. He took the consequences for sin on His body by the thirty-nine gruesome stripes on His back. With His flesh hanging on His bones, He carried the sin of the whole world on that cross.

He was nailed to that cross with nails that are difficult to describe, and He was left there to bleed to death. And before He breathed His last, He declared those words “IT IS FINISHED”. Meaning that all He came to accomplish from the very first day He landed here is finished. It means the price is fully paid; the mission is accomplished. The devil has no more rights to afflict you, your healing is fully paid for, death has been defeated. And now, based on that finished work you can claim anything you see in the word of God. From now on, lift up your eyes and look on to Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. Nothing is impossible to you anymore. Receive grace to walk in this reality in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Read today’s word over again and make personal notes.
ii. Begin to thank God out loud for His great and mighty work of salvation.
iii. See all your health issues and bodily afflictions all gone by the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

-Lord I Praise you for the great work you accomplished on the cross over two thousand years ago in Jesus Name.
-I walk in the reality of your finished work from this day forward in Jesus Name.

The price is fully paid; the mission is accomplished; death has been defeated. And now, based on that finished work of Christ, you can claim anything you see in the word of God.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 130 Hebrews 8

1Kings 15

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