Friday, 1st March



(Matthew 8:2-3 KJV)
“And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed”.

Anyone who is a Christian and has ever given their lives to Christ Jesus should know by now that healing is part of our salvation package. Jesus didn’t just die to save us from sin, but He also died to save us from sicknesses, pains and diseases. In fact, the scriptures declare that He Himself took our infirmities. As such, it ought to be abnormal to be saved and be sick at the same time.

The case of the leporus man in our text presents an even deeper reality of the willingness of God to heal. The law of Moses made it very clear about how lepers were to be treated in Isreal. According to the book of Numbers 5:2, every leper was to be put out of the camp, and they were to carry a bell and declare themselves everywhere as unclean, so no one would touch them. So, as long as lepers were concerned, there was general unwillingness to associate or even get close to them. It could also be construed that God would even be unwilling to heal them as well.

So, this leper came to Jesus with the same mind set, believing that Jesus may not be willing to relate with him due to His leprousy. Hence he said to Jesus, “ If you are willing, I know you can make me whole”. He didn’t doubt the ability of Jesus, he knew Jesus had the ability to take that leprousy away. But He was not sure of Jesus’ willingness due to the law of Moses. Then from no where, Jesus touched him, which was an abomination; lepers were not to be touched. To touch them is to become instantly unclean. And then Jesus said “I will, be thou clean”. Jesus declared that day that God was greater then the law He made. By that action and statement, Jesus made it clear that against all odds and crossing any boundary, God is willing and even more than willing to heal us. That man was made whole of the worse kind of disease is his day. And today, God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think in Jesus Name. Receive your healing in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Thank Gos for His willingness to heal us today and for all times.
ii. Declare your healing with boldness.
iii. Begin to speak to any situation of a health kind, and let it know that your God doesn’t just have the power to heal you, but is willing to do so, and has even done so over two thousand years ago when He hung on the cross.

-Lord I thank you for healing me before the foundation of the earth when you were slain in Jesus Name.
-I walk in healing and prosperity in Jesus Name.

Jesus didn’t just die to save us from sin, but He also died to save us from sicknesses, pains and diseases.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 105, 2Thessalonians 1

2Samuel 14

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