Wednesday, 20th March


(Romans 6:4 KJV)
(Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life”.

Here is a very brief meaning of baptism on a step by step basis. Firstly, you died with Christ when Jesus got into your life. In your identification with Christ you get to assume the very position Jesus was. He died on the cross for you, it therefore follows that you also died. Thereafter you proceeded to the water for baptism, and the purpose of baptism is so you be buried with Him.

In your burial with Him your entire old man and nature is buried with Him in that grave of water. You also get to bury those things that pursue and weary your life. Israel went through the Red Sea and the Egyptian army went in with them, but Israel came out of the Red Sea but the Egyptians did not come out with them. So, as you go into the water to be buried with Him, you will not come out of the water with those problems. They get buried and you get to rise up from the water or grave without them. Why? It’s all because you are in Him. The benefits of being in Him are enormous.

When you rise you will be rising to a newness of life. Having gone through all the very same things that Jesus went through, you should be living a brand you life. And this happens by reckoning that you do not have all those Egyptians (demonic powers) chasing you anymore, you should keep in mind that all your baggages have been dropped in the grave when you were buried with Him. And now, begin to focus on your new life and ensure that your life is truly a new one indeed.

Receive grace to live in newness of life in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Have you been water baptized as a born again Christian? If no, sign up for water baptism today.
ii. If you were baptized before you were born again, you jumped the gun, and you should do it all over again. It is first the new birth.
iii. Ask the Lord to give you grace to live and manifest the newness of life.

-Lord I receive grace to live out my new life in Jesus Name.
-Lord please help me overcome all the various obstacles to manifesting my newness of life in Jesus Name.

When being baptized, you go into the water to be buried with Christ, and will come out without those problems – They get buried and you get to rise up from the water or grave with newness of life.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 123 Hebrews 1

1Kings 8

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