Saturday, 2nd March


(Jeremiah 8:22 KJV)
“Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered”?

Before now, we have been the ones who get to ask questions as to why we are not healed, why we don’t seem to see God’s intervention in our lives. But what we have not known is that God also has been asking why His people are not healed. He wonders why we are still sick, why we are still poor, and why we are still in bondage. And the big question He asks is, “is there no balm in Gilead, and is there no physician there?” The answer is that there is balm in Gilead, and there is the greatest physician there.

This is what we need to know about our salvation status. Our salvation provides certain privileges to us that makes for our healing on a platter of gold. The word “salvation” has a Greek meaning that goes by the word “soteria”. And it is an all encompassing word which covers redemption, healing, prosperity, deliverance and preservation. So, within your salvation package, all these things were paid for. The day you got saved, you also got healed, got delivered, amongst many other things. The question still lies, where is the healing God spoke about? It is abnormal to God for us to remain sick when He already paid for our healing in our salvation.

The reason why we are still sick are as follows:
☑️Ignorance. The man who boarded a plane but refused to take any meal or drink throughout the span of the flight, but rather chose to eat biscuits and the water that he brought into the plane, did not know that his flight tickets also covered his meals throughout the length of the flight. In the same manner many of us did not know that all that pertains to our health and wellbeing has been paid for. Not knowing it makes it impossible for you partake in it.

☑️Lack of Action. What you fail to act on will never manifest in your life. The word only profits you when mixed with actions of faith. In John 5, it was whosoever first steps in that is made whole, not whosoever sees it first. God and His word waits for your steps for your healing to be activated. Speak your healing and act as one who has been healed and you will see all kinds of manifestations in Jesus Name. Receive your healing in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Read all over again, and make notes.
ii. Remember that your healing has been provided, so ask the Lord to show you how to bring it into fruition.
iii. Begin to aggressively make searches and researches to confirm all that has been said in today’s devotional. The more you know the more manifestations you will see.

-Lord I thank you for all you have done to provide for my healing and wellbeing in Jesus Name.
-I acknowledge them, I receive them and I walked in the reality of them all in Jesus Name.

Speak your healing and act as one who has been healed and you will see all kinds of manifestations.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 106, 2Thessalonians 2

2Samuel 15

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