Sunday, 24th March


(Malachi 4:2 KJV)
“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall”.

Our God is an awesome God. The reason is that He has placed healing virtually everywhere for us to benefit from. God has placed healing in the leaves of the trees for the healing of the nations, as recorded in the book of Revelation 22:2. Today, see all kinds of herbs, leaves, and tree products meant for one health remedy or the other. There are people today who don’t have to taste any drug whatsoever, because they have mastered the leaves of the forests, and are taking advantage of them for their health benefits. We now have more health teas and very potent leaf-based drinks that are doing wonders than ever before. Man is only beginning to discover just a few of the blessings God deposited in the earth for our healing.

One of the healing ways of God has been the shinning sun. The sun has been responsible for more healings than humans will be able to account for. It is said that the moment the sun begins to interact with any wound, it will begin to heal. The sun dries up difficult sores and wounds very easily. Perhaps the most important of them all is the fact that the sun is responsible for helping the body make vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, as it helps absorb calcium that strengthens our skeletons. Our bones would be too soft without vitamin D, which the sun helps us produce. Inadequate vitamin D will also cause weak immune systems. All these from one activity of the sun. Viruses such as the corona pandemic we just experienced can only come up during winter seasons. The reason is the fact that the absence of the sun in the fall or winter gives it ample opportunity to grow and thrive. Virtually all viral outbreaks occur in seasons when there is not much sun. But soon as summer begins, the virus begins to die.

It took all this effort to bring you to the understanding of who the Sun of righteousness is and what He does in our lives when He arises. Jesus is that sun of righteousness. He is not just the son of God, but the Sun of righteousness for us on the earth. In heaven there shall be no need for the sun, moon or stars, because He shall be the light of the place; Revelation 21:23. So, when sicknesses ravage your body, Jesus would rise as the Sun that He is and dry up or kill it from your body at once. When we call on Him, He chooses the way and manner by which to bring our healing. When He arises, sicknesses must fall, they both cannot be arisen at the same time; one must stand down. The heat of His presence will kill any plague, the brightness of his rising will destroy any hidden virus in your body, and the fire of His presence will burn out any kind of affliction in our bodies.

The secret to making this happen is that you must fear His Name. Meaning that you must make Him your Lord and saviour. Secondly, you must live in reverence of Him. That is what it means to fear Him, it is reverential worship of Him. And lastly, do all you can to both generate His presence and to be in His presence. It is only when He rises that you can encounter the healing in His wings. Receive grace for serious encounter with the Sun of righteousness, which is this Son of God Himself in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Make Jesus your Lord and Saviour today. Ask Him to forgive you, and accept His sacrifice on the cross for you.
ii. Determine today to live in absolute reverence and worship of the Lord for the rest of your life.
iii. Thank the Lord for your healing already.

-Lord I make you my Lord and personal saviour from today in Jesus Name.
-I will worship you and love you forever in Jesus Name.

Do all you can to both generate and be in His presence, because it is only when the Sun of Righteousness rises that you can encounter the healing in His wings.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 126 Hebrews 4

1Kings 11

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