Sunday, 3rd March


(Jeremiah 8:19 KJV)
“Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because of them that dwell in a far country: Is not the Lord in Zion? is not her king in her? Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, and with strange vanities”?

One of the reasons we suffer endlessly without seeing the healing that God has graciously provided for and even made available to us is the fact that we have not gone beyond Him being our saviour. It is true that Jesus came to save us from sin and eternal damnation, that was not all He came to do. Salvation was a means to the end and not the end in itself, God needed to save us so He could do other things in our lives. Salvation was the door opener to give Him access to the rest.
God wants you to be saved and then to come to the knowledge of the truth of who He is and what He has done. He wants you to be saved so you can be His child, His servant and His subject.

He wants to walk in you, reign in you, rule in you and eventually work through you. He wants to be your Lord and king. There are things that may be difficult to access in God until He evidently becomes your king. Our text reveals this as one of the reasons we may not be healed; the question was asked “is not her king in her?” Many have Jesus as their saviour and not as king or Lord. It means submitting to His Lordship. It is making yourself His slave. It is allowing Him to control you and use you the way He pleases. It is to obey His word without question and hesitation. It is to be stupid and foolish where His word and commands are concerned. It is to allow the Holy Spirit gain more control of your will and faculties.

From the scriptures we see that Jess started out as Saviour, and then He became Lord. Hence, they referred to Him as “saviour and Lord”. But as time went on, they began to refer to Him as Lord and saviour. See examples in the following scriptures:

(Titus 1:4 KJV) “To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour”.

(2 Peter 2:20 KJV) “For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning”.

You will see similar expressions in 2Peter 3:2 and 2Peter 3:18 and several other portions of scriptures. The point here is that the emphasis moved from Jesus the saviour to Jesus the Lord. That is why they would rather refer to Him as “Lord and saviour, rather than “saviour and Lord”. It is at this level that you experience all that there is in God, including quick healing. Your will would have disappeared into His will as the Lord of your life. Receive the grace to crown Him as Lord and king over your life in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Thank God for today’s word.
ii. Read again and pay particular attention to the words “saviour” and “Lord”, and make your own sense of them.
iii. Ask the Holy Spirit to live and reign as Lord in your life from today.

-Lord I enthroned you as Lord over my life today, in Jesus Name.
-Do not just be my saviour, but be my Lord o God in Jesus Name.
-I dethrone anything and anyone who sat as Lord over my life from today in Jesus Name.
-Let my will be lost in your will from now forward in Jesus Name.

There are things that may be difficult to access in God; including healing, until He evidently becomes your king – Your Lord.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 107, 2Thessalonians 3

2Samuel 16

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