Wednesday, 6th March


(Jeremiah 8:22 KJV)
“Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered”?

A physician in the Hebrew is known as “Rapha”, which means healing or healer. It further refers to cure, or cause to heal, repair and to make whole, amongst others. According to the dictionary, a physician is a person skilled in the art of healing, specifically one that is educated, clinically experienced, and licensed to practice medicine. In some quarters they are referred to as doctors who specialize in internal medicine, and there are various branches on internal medicine as well. But the physician we are talking about here is the one who specializes in practically everything about your health. Reason being that He created it in the first place, as such He has not seen anything in your body He cannot handle.

In the book of Mark chapter two a paralyzed young man was brought to Jesus in a stretcher, and was let down from the building where Jesus was ministering. When Jesus saw him, the physician in Him arose to the occasion immediately. He quickly diagnosed the cause of the paralysis without asking one question. He knew immediately that the cause was not physical, He could see straight into the soul of the man to know that it was a spiritual sickness that began to have physical manifestations. The kind of physician that can see beyond medicine to know the root cause of your sickness is whom we call the great physician.

Often times, people go to the doctors, only to be told they were fine, and that there was nothing wrong with them. Meanwhile the patients in question is presenting very severe medical abnormalities right before the doctors. Tests for root causes are done, patients are scanned and all manner of examinations are done without any success. This is the case with natural physician. But there is a physician that can diagnose and trace everything, and I mean every single thing, right to their ancient roots for that matter. He can see what the stethoscope cannot see, He detects what the microscope cannot see. I have been talking about the great physician and His capacity to heal is second to none. May your faith Be Strong in the One who can save, heal or deliver all, without any exceptions.

Action Points/Prayer
i. Reorientate your mind as to the limitlessness of God’s power to healing you no matter the sickness and it’s cause.
ii. Decide never to doubt the healing power of Jesus, no matter the kind of sickness involved.

Reorientate your mind as to the limitlessness of God’s power to healing you no matter the sickness and it’s cause.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 110 1Timothy 2

2Samuel 19

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