Saturday, 9th March


(Luke 18:1 KJV)
“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint”.

God designed man to survive by prayer. Man is at his lowest ebb when he is not in prayer. Prayer is a vital connection with God. Prayer is how you maintain your status in the spirit. It is by prayer that you transact in the spirit realm, in order to receive your deliverables from the Lord. If there is anything you have to receive, they will first be received in the place of prayer, and if you must change anything in your life, the first place to go will be the spirit realm, and by prayer. It is for reasons like these that Jesus said men ought always to pray and not to faint.

Another reason why prayer must be a regular affair for us is the fact that we were made in the image of God. And we are supposed to succeed only as gods, anything short of our God-status is to fall and live below expectation. It is a huge crisis for men made in the image of God to not carry the image of God, because other creatures recognize you as such. Devils and demons also see you as a god and they will confront and challenge you accordingly. The temptations, the tests, the trials and the attacks you will get will be out of this world, all because they see the real you, they know who you are. And woe betide you that they come and your god-nature is not intact.

The main reason why the enemy shows interest in your life is because you are a child of God. The devil came to Jesus saying, “if you are the son of God, turn these stone to bread”. Note the phrase “if you are the son of God”. Job’s trials came to him for the very same reasons. God boasted of Job’s righteousness, and satan came testing him. What will help you out of all these is when your god-nature or image is strong and effective. That will only happen in the place of consistent prayer. Prayer is hanging in God’s presence till you begin to manifest His nature. 1Corinthians 6:17 says prayer is being joined to the Lord to become one spirit. It is at this realm that sicknesses die in your body without ever having the opportunity to manifest symptoms. And healing becomes a walk over. Receive grace to pray always in Jesus Name

Action Points
i. Ask the Lord for the grace to have an unbroken prayer fellowship with Him.
ii. Ask the Lord for prayer fire and unction.

-Lord I crave for the prayer unction that Jesus spoke about in Jesus Name.
-Lord please help me in the place of prayer, both for focus and stamina in Jesus Name.

It is by prayer that you transact in the spirit realm, in order to receive your deliverables from the Lord – Prayer is hanging in God’s presence till you begin to manifest His nature.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 113 1Timothy 5

2Samuel 22

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