Sunday, 10th March


(Psalm 133:1-3 KJV)
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore”.

There can be no better scripture to be deployed in the discussion of this subject. Our text lays it out perfectly, by telling us what happens when we gather in worship to God and fellowship with each other. The effect of cooperate worship on our lives and health is enormous as we can see in our text. Firstly, you will notice that in cooperate worship, two things descend, and they are oil for healing and the dew for fruitfulness. Please note also, that you will see the word “as” repeat itself over again, thus showing a comparison and a similarity between two personalities and or events. It describes the whole event of gathering together as the precious ointment upon the head of Aaron the high priest, which went down his beard all the way to his skirts of his garment. What that means is that, when we gather, the anointing on Jesus our high priest (as Aaron was), begins to flow down to everyone member of the body of Christ.

There is a natural servicing ointment in anointing that begins to flow when the body comes together to meet with the head which is Christ. Jesus is the New Testament high priest, (Hebrews 9:11). And unto Him shall the gathering of His people be. When we are in fellowship with Him (the high priest and head of the church), the healing oil on Him begins to service the rest of His body (the church). That is why we sometimes get healed in church without anyone praying for us. It is the oil or the anointing on the head at work in us, His body. Note that this oil reached all the way to the skirts of His garment, which speaks of the least person in the church. The skirts of Aaron’s garment went all the way to his ankles and feet. It was a figurative speech used to describe what happens when we come together in cooperate worship.

The next thing we see in our text is that our cooperate worship is like the dew of Hermon and the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion. The simile – “as” shows up again. Hermon speaks of a very high 9,000 feet high majestic mountain that is always snow white due to the dew, and always fresh. It could be seen from many miles away. Like the oil that descended from Aaron’s head, there is a descending here as well. This time, the dew descends from Hermon to the mountains of Zion, which is symbolic of the church. When we gather in cooperate worship, the fresh dew of heaven descends on the church; keeping us fresh and fruitful and productive. We must know by now that without rain, the dew can water the earth and make it very fruitful. It is called noiseless-success. Hermon is likened to heaven, ever so fresh, while the church is likened to Zion, which is a beneficiary of Hermon.
Receive grace to enjoy cooperate worship with all these mind in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Never take cooperate worship for granted again in your life. Approach the house of God intentionally and purposefully, knowing what is about to happen to you according to our text.
ii. Always believe God for healing when you attend worship services, and God will grant the desires of your heart.

-Lord connect my heart with yours each time I come in cooperate worship in Jesus Name.
-Lord I receive the full benefits of cooperate worship in Jesus Name.
-I receive my healing by the descending oil, and my fruitfulness by the descending dew in Jesus Name.

Never take cooperate worship for granted again in your life. Approach the house of God intentionally and purposefully, knowing what is about to happen to you.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 114 1Timothy 6

2Samuel 23

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