Colossians 3:1-2 KJV
“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth”.
Loving the Lord is not that difficult, and it is not a complex matter at all. Loving the Lord begins with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. By so doing, you would be accepting the sacrifice that He made on the cross for you over two thousand years ago – this is how we get into Christ. It therefore means you have taken part in His death burial and resurrection already. Having risen with Him, something had to be done to your affection, which is a feeling of fondness or liking. Affection is a feeling or emotion.
Setting your affection on things above really means getting emotionally affected by the things of God. We have people who say they love the Lord, but without any kind of affection or emotion to it. The things above should affect you. By ‘things above’ I am referring to the things that God cares about. The work of God, the house of God, the salvation of souls, the healing and deliverance of the lost in neighbourhoods, communities and in nations. It is to be touched by what touches God. It is seeing things the way God sees them. People like these will stop at nothing to make sure nothing is lacking in the kingdom of God, and they will go about it with passion.
How does this happen? It has to be by a deliberate programming of your mind and soul. Hence the Bible says to set your affections on things above, and the way to do this is recorded in our text as well; it is by seeking those things which are above. It reminds me of Matthew 6:33, which talks of seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added to us. To seek is to diligently search for, make enquiries about, resort to, pursue after, etc. Seeking is what results into affection, because you become affected by what you seek. At this point, giving or sacrificing plus service will never be a problem for you anymore. This is how to love God. But until you are emotionally affected by the work of God, loving God will be a drag.
Grace to love God in Jesus Name.
Action Points
- Seek for things in the house of God and in the kingdom of God that you can pour yourself into.
- Ask God to transfer His passion to your heart.
- Ask the Lord to remove your passion for vain things; like football, fashion, movies, novels, etc.; and transfer such passion to His work.
-Lord affect my heart with your love in Jesus Name.
Until you are emotionally affected by the work of God, loving God will be a drag.
For Further Reading and Meditation
Joel 3; 1Peter 2
Psalms 101
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