MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Thursday, 1st February

(Proverbs 10:22 KJV)
“The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”

Welcome to this new month of February. We have dedicated this month to talk and teach about money and missions. We will mostly be talking about the position of God with regards to money, and we will also be talking about God’s purpose for giving us money. There is a vision and mission for money, and we shall be exploring that as well.

But suffice it to say that the source of wealth and money is the blessing of God. True riches and financial prosperity begins with the blessing. When God blessed man in Genesis 1:28, He didn’t do that so we could be happy alone, neither was it just for good health, but it was for financial riches as well. God is a comprehensive God, and when He blesses, He does so in an all round fashion. The blessing was to make us fruitful before anything else, and to be fruitful is to be successful, productive and to see the reward or profit of your endeavours and investments. To be blessed is to be empowered to succeed.

So, when He blessed Adam he became successful, prosperous and progressive. Adam was favoured. In Genesis chapter twelve, after God called and blessed Abraham; Abraham became rich in silver and gold, in cattle and so on. Remember that this was the same Abraham that could not afford an accommodation for him and his wife at the age of seventy-five. He was absolutely under a curse of poverty and retrogression. But all that changed as soon as the blessing hit his life.

But Abraham had to agree to the plan of God, not just to be blessed but to be a blessing, and to be used of God to bless all the families of the earth. God blesses so people can be a blessing, God empowers people so they could empower others also, God blesses us not for us alone, but that He could reach others with the blessing in our lives. This is what money on a mission is all about this month. If you show God the mission for your money, He will give you more than enough. Receive mission grace in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Carefully articulate three ways you would love to serve God and to be a blessing with money.
ii. Make effort to begin those things in the smallest ways you can with the little resources at your disposal presently.
iii. Operate thanksgiving as a lifestyle from today.

Lord please give me the power to begin in small ways to be a blessing to my generation in Jesus Name.
Lord please bless me and make me a blessing in Jesus Name.


God blesses us not for us alone, but that He could reach others with the blessing in our lives.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 79, Colossians 4

1Samuel 19

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