Saturday, 17th February

(1 Timothy 5:8 KJV)
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”

There is no doubt whatsoever about the importance of finances in the family. It is most definite an integral part of the running of the family, because running a home successfully is impossible without finances. That was why God did not give Adam a wife before work; rather the work came first, so the wife could be provided for before she came. To get involved in marriage without some form of income is to tempt yourself and your entire family. It is ungodly, and unrighteous.

Every wife and husband should be able to look forward to the future. There should be a plan on how to share responsibilities where things get rough. As such it is no longer wonderful to have house wives, or wives who do not work or make financial contributions into the home, no matter how small.
Here are the following reasons why a wife should work in support of her husband.

i. To augment her husband’s effort.
No husband should become over-confident in their money making abilities. So all husbands should help engage his wife into some profitable work or business. Yes the man may win the bread, but let the woman win the “akara” (bean cake).

ii. It is being far sighted.
Futuristically, the woman lives longer than the man, and if she is not introduced to the work environment early enough there could be great distress if anything should happen to you, the husband. You could lose your life, or your job and even business. It is at this time that the wife will have to step into her role as help meet.

iii. It keeps her busy And focused.
She will not be available for gossips, idle chit-chatting arms other temptations of satan. It is a very smart way to keep your wife away from other people’s business. A wife could be exposed to extra marital affairs due to idleness. She will find less faults around the home due to her busy schedule. And that will result in less frictions.

iv. It will improve her self esteem.
It can be disheartening to watch your mates go to work,do business and achieve great things, and being fulfilled, while you seat at home being a house wife. Our wide has potentials and dreams; do your best and help her fulfill them. Let her work and grow; that is one of the most important blessings of work. The work place is a growing place.

Action Points
i. Carefully consider those points again.
ii. Have a discussion with your spouse over these points.
iii. Take a decision that is favourable to you both and the children.

-Lord I apply for the wisdom to navigate theses points in Jesus Name.


To get involved in marriage without some form of income is to tempt yourself and your entire family