MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Sunday, 18th February



(Proverbs 1:19 KJV)
“So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.”

Greed is a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed. Greed is the manifestation of unbridled and naked ambition. It makes people to become ruthless, brutal and blind to any kind of moral discretion whatsoever. Greed will kill your conscience, destroy your human sympathy and make a monster out of you in no time.

As our text says, greed will make you to become blood thirsty. It will make you willing to end people’s lives, particularly that of those who stand on your way. This is the reason for the many untimely deaths you see everywhere. Judas was a very glaring example of such a person. His greed for money made him not just steal from the ministry’s purse of Jesus, but he went further to sell him for money. Did he need money that badly, did it have to be Jesus, the very person who gave his life a meaning?

Greed will blind you, kill your ability to reason, it will make you erratic and irrational, greed makes you short sighted. The biggest cure for greed is a cry for help to God. The next way to cure greed is to imbibe the culture and the habit of giving. Giving causes greed to degenerate, especially when you invest in the work of God. You will see enough reward from giving that you will never desire anything that belongs to anyone.

Receive grace to be free from greed and covetousness today in Jesus Name.

Action Points/Prayer
-Do what the last paragraph says.
-Ask God for help from all traces of greed in your life.
-Begin to practice the culture and covenant of giving.

Greed will kill your conscience, destroy your human sympathy and make a monster out of you in no time.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 93, ITimothy 4

2Samuel 2

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