MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Tuesday, 20th February

(Marriage 101)


(1 Corinthians 7:3 NIV)
“The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.”

Things don’t just work themselves anywhere. Good things don’t happen by mistake, someone must make them happen. “Every house is built by some man, even though God is the builder of all things” Hebrews 3:4. Both the husband and the wife have a role to play towards making things work in the home, and these are a few points to consider.

i. From the moment you get married, things will begin to work differently for you and in your life. So, don’t make the mistake of wanting to do things the way you have always done them as a single person. You cannot afford to operate anymore like a bachelor or spinster, it will only make your life very miserable. You now belong to a union called marriage, so begin to operate in very intelligent acknowledgment of that, and act accordingly.

ii. You can’t make decisions on your own any more, because your decisions will not only affect you, but the whole family. You will have to learn the act of confiding in your spouse. You must work on your consulting abilities. This is how marriage works.

iii. Work on your negotiation skills.
In marriage you will not always win. If you win all the time, then you are in a situation of domination, and that means that one person is the slave or dominated. And be rest assured that there will soon be a rebellion, and things will fall apart.

iv. Avoid Eve’s Mistake.
The wife should not take any decision on behalf of the home without the consent and approval of the husband. Eve did this and plunge the entire family and human race into poverty. Genesis 3:17-18. As a wife, remain in the place of submission, which in essence means “sub-mission”, or subsidiary mission or role. Let your husband have the lead-mission.

v. As a husband, make sure you establish agreement in your home. From the day you got married, God ceases to see you as an individual but as a couple, He no longer sees you as two separate entities but as one person.

Things will work in your family in Jesus Name.

*Action Points*
i. Go over the whole message again and make corrections in your home where necessary.
ii. Make amends with your spouse and apologize where necessary.
iii. Make these points part of your family policies.

-Lord I thank you for peace, joy and love in my home in Jesus Name.
-I receive the wisdom of God for making things work in my home in Jesus Name.
-I reject foolish feelings, behaviour, choices and decisions in Jesus Name.

In marriage you will not always win. If you win all the time, then you are in a situation of domination, and be rest assured that there will soon be a rebellion, and things will fall apart.

For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 95, ITimothy 6

2Samuel 4

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