MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Friday, 2nd February



(Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV)
“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.”

In simple terms, money is an instrument with which transfers of goods and services are effected. Money is a means of exchange between people. It is an instrument of payment. It comes by way of coins, banknotes, and or what is called cash; depending on the country you are operating from. But the American dollar has been accepted as an international means of exchange. As such all other currencies of the world are measured against the dollar.

But a deeper truth about money is not the paper or metal at your disposal, but how they came. It is value that brings money. There is what you give, have or produce in exchange for money, without which you will have no money at all. As such, offer nothing and you get nothing in terms of money. Also, produce nothing and you lose every right to money in all it’s ramifications. So, money is a representation of the goods and services that you produce, and not just that paper. If you bring no goods and services to the table but have money, then you are either a thief or a person living in “fools paradise”. There must be worth attached to money for it to qualify as wealth in your life. The worth is what brought about the money, since money is a means of exchange.

So, our ability to produce goods or services is the real money, and God has said in our text that He gives us the power to get wealth. The word “power” means ability; so the ability to produce the goods and the services is what He gives to us. That is where God comes in, that is what blessing is, and that is the true definition of money. God blesses us with both professional, academic and divine abilities. So, if i were to read our text of today in another way, then it would read thus; “it is He that gives you the ability to make money”. The real money therefore is the ability that God gives.

Receive grace to connect with the abilities in God in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Do a self examination of your abilities today.
ii. Seek ways to deploy your abilities for profit or reward today.
iii. See all that you have and determine what you deployed to get them.

-Ask God for the wisdom to profitably deploy the abilities in your life.
-Ask God to show you the abilities He had deposited in you that you have not yet known or discovered.

It is value that brings money, as such, offer nothing and you get nothing, produce nothing and you lose every right to money in all it’s ramifications.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 80, 1Thessalonians 1

1Samuel 20

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