MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Friday, 23rd February



(Deuteronomy 14:22 KJV)
“Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.”

Laws are the reasons behind success. Everything that succeeds does so because certain laws are obeyed, practiced and adhered to. No matter how good your intentions may be, and regardless of how hard working you are, or have been; if you break laws, you will not succeed. There are also laws governing success according to the bible, and breaking these laws and still expecting to be successful is sheer foolishness. Some of the laws that must not be broken are as follows:

i. The Law of Tithing.
We live in that time that Paul talked about in Ephesians 4:14, where God’s people are tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. There is so much confusion in the body of Christ in these last days due to unhealthy disparity teachings between the Old and the New Testament. There are those who teach against tithe, claiming it is an Old Testament doctrine. They say these things because of seeming mismanagement and misappropriation of church funds by some church leaders, and not because they truly believe it is wrong or unscriptural. After all we still claim and confess that God will rebuke the devourer for our sakes, just as other Old Testament promises are claimed; and not remembering that the condition for the devourer being rebuked is the obedience to the tithing principle.

It is a principle because natural laws teach us not to eat all. When you harvest your yam, there is a portion of it you should not eat, and when you eat it, it reacts in your mouth in an unfriendly manner. Teaching you that, that portion (which is the head of the yam) belongs to the ground and not your mouth or belly. The ground is where the yam came from, or its source. And the head of the yam is just about 10% of the whole tuber if yam. If you return the yam head to the source or where it came from, shouldn’t you determine what the 10% of your increase is and return it to source? And I trust that we all know that God is our source.

The church is the government of God on the earth, He works through His church on earth, which is why He said to bring the tithes to His store house. Robert Kayosaki said in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, as part of financial principles, that 10% should be given away. I don’t think he is a Christian, but he knows by nature that 10% ought not to be eaten by you. But we are Christians and know where that 10% should go, because it is very clearly stated in scriptures and the New Testament did not negate it,
(To be continued).

Action Points/Prayer
-Lord please give me a revelation of tithing in Jesus Name.
-Lord please give me a personal understanding of the tithing principle in Jesus Name.

There are laws governing success according to the bible, and breaking these laws and still expecting to be successful is sheer foolishness.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 98, 2Timothy 3

2Samuel 7

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