MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Saturday, 24th February


(Deuteronomy 14:22 KJV)
“Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.”

(Continued From Yesterday)
I did speak about the tithing principle yesterday, and the controversies around it in the body of Christ, one of which was the affluence people get to see around men of God who pastor churches. I think that you should leave a church whose tithe administration is not trustworthy enough to you. It is better than denying God of your tithe to your own detriment. There must be some place where tithe management is transparent enough for you, settle down there and give your tithe. You can also make enquiries from your church’s account office or board members.

It is not also proper to erroneously conclude that your pastor’s car, suit and house all came from the church’s tithe. People also bless the pastor from within and outside your local church as well. Many pastors are simply reaping the reward of many years of faithfulness to God and in His service. And God has said He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, He is not unrighteous to forget your Labour of love as well. Prosperity is not a one way road, there are several practices you must engage in to guarantee your eventual prosperity. Below are a few implications of tithing:

i. It is a declaration that God is your source: It is an act of acknowledgement as to who your real provider is.

ii. It is an act of humility: It is declaring to God that you are not a “self-made” person. When a multi billionaire humbles himself to give God the tithes, He is in a sense humbling himself in worship to God.

iii. It is an act of surrender of your financial future to God: You cannot tithe and then fight your financial battles and other battles at the same time. I am a witness to this fact. God goes ahead of you to settle your life financially in the strangest manner ever.

iv. It checks and kills greed in your life: When you know that for every increase you only have power over 90% percent, it instills some maturity into you. You never get to feel over excited about money; especially when you have other percentages for the poor, your parents, the needy, widows, offerings, and other projects.

Having done my best to tithe faithfully for over twenty three years now, I can truly testify that it works wonders to many to number. Receive grace for faithfulness in the tithing principle in Jesus Name.

  1. Action Points/Prayer
    i. Lord cause me to love you enough never to quarrel or argue anymore about tithing in Jesus Name.
    ii. Kill every form of greed in me in Jesus Name.
    iii. Endue my church with wisdom for faithful and effective tithe management in Jesus Name.
    iv. Thank you Lord for blessing me in the first place to have something to tithe in Jesus Name.

You cannot tithe and then fight your financial battles and other battles at the same time, because God goes ahead of you to settle your life financially in the strangest manner ever.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 99, 2Timothy 4

2Samuel 8

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