MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Sunday, 25th February


(Luke 16:10 KJV)
“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”

The idiomatic expression above occurred two different times for the first time in history; pound foolish was first used in the year 1598, while penny wise was first used in 1607. I have no idea as to when they began to be used in the same phrase. Penny-wise is to be prudent only in dealing with small sums or matters, while being pound foolish is to be imprudent in dealing with large sums or large matters.

There are certain people that God will never bless with riches, and they are the people that fit into this idiomatic phrase. It simply means that they are only wise in scarcity but not in times of plenty. In fact, they become foolish when money increases, and this is always evident in their spending pattern. They will buy all manner of thing in the seasons of plenty, whether it was needed or not. These are the kinds of people that will marry more wives in plenty, boycott church, maltreat their families, ignore and disrespect their spouses, make strange friends, fornicate and commit adultery, insult both biological and spiritual parents, etc. They just become utterly foolish. But soon as the money finishes, they become angels again, with plenty of apologies for everyone. It is the best interest of these kinds of people for God to keep them poor.

The way out of this kind of damaging mentality are as follows:
i. Begin financial discipline from now.
Begin to apportion percentages of your income to God, family, kingdom work, savings, etc. Do it until it becomes a lifestyle.

ii. Create an account accountability system for yourself. Meet one or two respectable persons known to you and ask them to hold you accountable to this new arrangement.

iii. Read at least five books on finances, money and money management.

iv. Teach what you have learnt to your friends and loved ones; that way you will be able to stay faithful.

v. Ask God to destroy all negative habits (financially and otherwise) from your life.

See you at the top in Jesus Name.

Action Points/Prayer
-Thoroughly read over the points, meditate on them and come up with action plans.
-Pray over each point from your heart.

There are certain people that God will never bless with riches, because they are only wise in scarcity but not in times of plenty – Penny wise, pound foolish.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 100, 1Thessalonians 1

2Samuel 9

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