MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Monday, 5th February


(Ecclesiastes 10:19 KJV)
“A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.”

It has been popularly acknowledged that “where purpose is not known abuse becomes inevitable. Abuse is from the words “abnormal” and “use”, meaning that there is a proper use for money and there is an abnormal use for money. This has general application everywhere. Do not acquire or get involved in anything whose purpose you do not really know. The result will be the abuse of that thing or that thing will abuse you. And where abuse is found, there are all kinds of hurtful and regrettable injuries, pain and frustrations. Paul cautioned against purposeless riches; “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.” (1 Timothy 6:9 KJV).

However, the purpose of money according to our text is to solve problems. That is why money is an answer to all things. Virtually every problem you can think of is solved by money. Which means that the absence of money is the presence of plenty of problems. Therefore to have plenty of money and not actively solving problems is to become a problem yourself. If what is meant to solve problems is in abundance in your possession without being deployed to solve problems, then it will make you a problem or become a problem to you.

Any smart believer should know that God is a God of purpose, objectivity and deliberateness. It therefore follows that He sends you money so you can solve some problems both for yourself and for others. For instance, Jesus said “the poor you will always have with you”; meaning that they are part of the reasons why God sends you money. God’s welfare plan for the orphans, fatherless, widows and the poor is by pouring out wealth and other forms of resources into the lives of people who have understanding of this truth. If you hate to give and to help, then you will never be rich, and if you ever get rich, it might be to your destruction. Receive grace to solve problems with your money in Jesus Name.

Action Points/Prayer
i. Ask yourself about the amount of problems your money has solved in people’s lives previously.
ii. What problems have been coming up in your face a lot?
iii. Ask God for the grace or a heart of compassion towards people’s needs and challenges.
iv. God help me to always use money to always answer/solve problems.

Virtually every problem you can think of is solved by money. Which means that the absence of money is the presence of plenty of problems.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 83, 1Thessalonians 4

1Samuel 23

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