MONEY ON A MISSION (Zechariah 1:17 KJV)

Tuesday, 6th February


Proverbs‬ 29:18‬ KJV‬‬
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
One of the most carefully kept and guarded secrets of financial wealth and blessing is the fact that God does not sponsor wants but needs. That was why He said in Philippians 4:19, that He would supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. The promise is for needs not wants or foolish pleasure. Another serious secret of wealth is the fact that God always provides for vision above anything else.

Any time, any day, vision will command resources in the strangest manners under God. The very word “provision” is a compound word meaning ‘pro’ and ‘vision’, or “for the vision”. There cannot be a “pro” without a vision. Wherever God sees a vision, He would make a “pro” available for it i.e. He “provides” for it. The combination of the two gives provision; but you are the one to initiate this by having a vision. It doesn’t matter the cost of your vision, it might be in the billions of naira or dollars; God will meet it very easily.

That is why our text says that the absence of vision brings death, waste, frustration, and poverty which are all synonyms of the word “perish”. When water passes through a hose it will feed the container to which the hose is directed, but it will not leave the hose in a state of dryness. If you conceive a vision and set out to accomplish it, you will benefit as a result of it too. The donkey that carried Jesus got itself a lot of favour for carrying Jesus. The vision of transporting Jesus gave it a red carpet treatment, special clothes and popularity. Its biggest mistake would have been to think that the people did those things for it. They did it because of the Christ it was carrying. The blessings in your life are not there because of you, but because of the service or assignment you are embarking on for God and His kingdom. Get a vision today in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Ask God to give you a vision to fulfill.
ii. See areas of problems in your environment and in your church and come up with a vision to solve them.
iii. Start with what you have and God will take over from there.

-Lord please fill my heart with your vision in Jesus Name.
-Father please open my eyes to see what you have been trying to make me see all these while.
-I receive the grace to start small in Jesus Name.

Vision necessitates provision, and it doesn’t matter the cost of your vision, it might be in the billions of naira or dollars; God will meet it very easily.

For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 84, 1Thessalonians 5

1Samuel 24

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