Wednesday, 1st November*

*BE FRUITFUL (Be Productive)*

Genesis‬ 1:28‬ NKJV‬‬
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

For various obvious reasons we have limited and narrowed this verse of scripture to fruitfulness of the womb only. But the verse carries more messages beyond fruitfulness in marriage. We will never be able to divorce this verse from fruitfulness of the womb till eternity, and we have massively benefited from this scripture in that regard without doubt. But there is more to know; there are more messages embedded in this scripture.

In fact, I am of the opinion that the verse first and foremost admonishes us to be productive. By that I mean, to produce something. Part of our creation mandate is the call to produce or create things that would benefit mankind. The ability to create is in every living being, and it came with our creation. It is in you to produce and to reproduce. The same way you get to produce children, you can also produce other things as well.

Man has produced and has been producing and is still producing till this day. Virtually everything your eyes can see was produced by someone. Your car, phone, chairs, tables, tiles on your floor, books, light bulb, stove, cooker, washing machine, detergent, airplanes, clothes, etc. The list is endless. God did not produce those things, man did. There are various products in this world, as well as services as well. The question then is: where are your products, what have you produced and what are you planning to produce?

You have it in you so, go produce something. Just put on your thinking cap, fire up your spirit, see the needs on ground and take your first step. When you make the first move God will initiate the second and so on. Produce something in Jesus Name.

*Action Points*
i. Believe you were created to be productive, and that you have the ability to produce.
ii. Look for a need around that aligns with your passion.
iii. Engage your mind in deep thoughts about it.
iv. Place it before God in prayer, and then listen for the next instruction in your spirit.

-Lord I know it is in me to produce. Please show me what to produce in Jesus Name.

The ability to create is in every living being, and it came with our creation. It is in you to produce and to reproduce.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Job 37, Acts 8

Deuteronomy 18