*Friday, 3rd November*

*BE FRUITFUL (Reproduce)*

Genesis‬ 1:28‬ NKJV‬‬
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Once again reproduction does not only mean bearing or having children. It is part of it, but not all of it. We saw in the past few days that fruitfulness means ability to produce something, and it also implies success as well. Now, beyond these, it also means to reproduce what you have produced. Hence the phrase “be fruitful”. It simply means to be full of fruits.

Yes, you have produced something, and you have succeeded. Now produce again and keep producing, succeed again and keep succeeding; till you become full of products and full of success. Let your life move from success to success, and from productivity to productivity. You are not supposed of rest on your oars after some exploits, no. You are supposed of be full of them.

It is said that success is not really success if it cannot be reproduced. You are not really successful until you can do again and again what you had done before. When success begins to flow with minimal effort and with exponential increase, then you can truly say that you are really fruitful and successful.

Furthermore, until you can impart your knowledge to others and make them as successful as you are, then you are not really successful. Success is not supposed to be mystical, rather, it should be teachable, learnable, impactable and reproduceable. The popular saying that goes “you cannot claim to be a success until you have a successor”, best explains this point. You are really successful when you can reproduce yourself in someone else.

Be fruitful by reproducing in Jesus Name.

*Action Points*
i. Locate one thing you love and are passionate about and engage in it to productive dimensions.
ii. Look for ways to produce something better or different from what you produced previously.
iii. Locate three people you would love to mentor or disciple and reproduce yourself in them.

-Lord I receive the grace to be reproductive in Jesus Name.
-I reject every form of “early arrival” syndrome in my life in Jesus Name.

When success begins to flow with minimal effort and with exponential increase, then you can say that you are really fruitful and successful.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Job 39, Acts 10

Deuteronomy 20