Monday, 1st April


(Jeremiah 1:5 KJV)
“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Life will make a whole lot of sense when the reality of how you came into being dawns on you. Your biggest mistake would be to think for a second that you were purely a consequence of the sexual intimacy that existed between your father and mother. That is a very big lie and fallacy.

As we can see in our text, the words “before” came up twice in one verse. Something existed before you came to this world, there was a determination that warranted your existence. God’s knowledge of you came here before you came. God was not just aware of you, He experienced you. He didn’t just experience you, He finished everything about you, from A to Z. So, there not even a slightest possibility that you are an accident.

Secondly the word “before”, showed that you were already ordained for an assignment in this world. God did not wait for you to be born before determining things about you. Jeremiah was ordained in the womb to be a prophet to the nations. If you make diligent enquiries you will discover that you have been ordained already to an assignment, and you are to spend your life time discovering that assignment and fulfilling it, or you would have under-existed. God forbid.

Grace to find and fulfill your essence in Jesus Name.

Action Points
i. Thank God for this realization today.
ii. Thank God for your existence and for the purpose that necessitated it.
iii. Ask the Lord to show you all that your life is about in this world.

-Lord I thank you for choosing me to be a citizen of this world.
-Lord I thank you for the purpose behind my existence, and I live the reality of it from today in Jesus Name.
-Lord please help me not to waste my time living for anything else other than you and your purpose for my life in Jesus Name.

You have been ordained already to an assignment, and you are to spend your life time discovering that assignment and fulfilling it, or you would have under-existed.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Psalm 131 Hebrews 9

1Kings 16

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