Saturday, 6th April


(Luke 9:29-31 NKJV)
“As He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered, and His robe became white and glistening. And behold, two men talked with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.”

Yesterday we saw how the word of God helps us to discover our purpose in life. And today we will be looking at another powerful clue to destiny discovery. I am glad that God has not left us clueless as to how to know His will for our lives and to fulfill destiny.

Step 2.
Live a life of daily prayer fellowship with God.
Prayer is one way we really get to come close to God, and it takes closeness to unveil secrets from someone. The closer you are to God, the more His heart opens up to you on different kinds of issues, particularly on your purpose and destiny. Jesus was in prayer on the mount of transfiguration until God appeared to him in the persons of two most powerful characters in the scriptures, Moses and Elijah. And they were discussing His purpose with Him. Dying for man was Jesus’ purpose and destiny, He came to pay the price for sin by dying, so in prayer, these men showed up to confirm His assignment. You too can have this kind of encounter.

This is what happens when you make daily prayer fellowship with God a lifestyle. I have moved from phase to phase in God’s calling for my life by prayer fellowship on a daily basis. He gets the chance to plant strong impressions in your heart as to what next you should be doing with your life as you pray. Moses and Elijah both represented the law and the prophets, and that was all the scriptures they had back then. This means Jesus encountered the law and the prophets in flesh as He prayed.

The word becomes flesh as you pray, the word of God comes alive only in the place of prayer. God gives life to the word as it relates to your destiny when you make prayer a daily affair. It is a great disadvantage to have a life void of daily prayer fellowship. Begin now to build a life of daily prayer fellowship. Every 5am in morning should see you in your prayer closet praying and worshipping the Lord.

Action Points
-Deprogram all kinds of wasteful activities from your daily schedule and make prayer the first thing in your day from now on.
-Ask God for consistency in your prayer life.

-Lord release and revive in me a hunger for prayer in Jesus Name.
-Lord baptize me with consistency in prayer in Jesus Name.
-Lord let your heavens open over my prayer closet and let there be a divine connection between my closet and heaven in Jesus Name.

The closer you are to God, the more His heart opens up to you on different kinds of issues, particularly on your purpose and destiny.

_For Further Reading and Meditation_
Psalm 136 James 1

1Kings 21

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